case study
Photo-editorial of Metrics Abattoir
ItchySilk's original concept was to document the process of a "typical" day at independent, family butcher and abattoir Mettricks, based in Glossop, Greater Manchester.
Mettricks are an award-winning, three-generational family butchers who, among other things, appeared on the BBC reality show ‘Kill It, Cook It, Eat It’.
ItchySilk really wanted to provide a completely unfiltered visual perspective of exactly what is involved in the butchering process and what the fundamental differences are between independent operatives and their national supermarket conglomerate counterparts.
We arrived at the facility at the very start of their working day and had the unique perspective of following the process backwards starting with butchery, leading sep-by-step to to the beginning of the process - the slaughter room itself.
We shot the entire editorial in 2 formats - 35mm film [both colour and black and white} and mobile. This allowed us to present 2 very different visual feels, one which was very textured and sometimes almost impressionistic and another that was bright, matter-of-fact and stark in its unfiltered portrayal of events.